Contact Us
Hayes Primary School
George Lane
The School Office Hours
The school office is open Monday to Friday between: 8.30am and 4.00pm. Please address any queries in the first instance via e-mail to the school office.
For all absences, please email Messages can also be left on our absence line – please dial the school office and select the absence line option.
NB - Emails/voicemails received after 3.45pm may not be answered until the following working day.
Please do not visit classrooms before school. You can book an appointment to see a teacher via the school office. Please email
Mrs Dowler, Mrs Pool and Mrs Moody all help to look after the school office and will help with any day to day queries you may have, or will pass the query onto the relevant person who can help.
Senior Leadership Team
Head Teacher:
Mrs S Howell
Deputy Head Teacher:
Miss E Brown
Assistant Head Teachers:
Mrs L Field
Pupil Support Leader:
Mrs T Griffin
Chair of Local Governing Committee:
Mrs J Bishenden
Any letters for the attention of the Local Committee should be addressed to the Clerk to the Local Committee, Hayes Primary School, George Lane, Hayes, Bromley Kent BR2 7LQ or via email:
Hayes Primary School - A Spring Partnership Trust School
Registered Office:
The Spring Partnership Trust, Elmstead Wood Primary School, Castlecombe Road, Mottingham, London SE9 4AT - Tel: 0203 837 6837
A Company limited by guarantee Registered in England: Company Number 07656245
Co CEOs of Trust:
Mrs C Sheehan and Ms G Sesli
Chair of Trust:
Mr J Cliff
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