Homemade Cakes - Guidance
If you’d like to bake for us – a big thank you!
Please let us know what you’re baking by email: hayespspta@gmail.com
Here is an extract from the Food Standards Agency for those who may like guidance before baking:
Home-made cakes should be safe to eat, as long as the people who make them observe good food hygiene, and the cakes are stored and transported safely.
People making cakes should follow these tips:
- Always wash your hands before preparing food.
- Make sure that surfaces, bowls, utensils, etc. are clean.
- Don't use raw eggs in anything that won't be thoroughly cooked, such as icing or mousse.
- Keep cheesecakes and any cakes or desserts containing cream or butter icing in the fridge.
- Store cakes in a clean, sealable container, away from raw foods, especially raw meat.
- Transport cakes in a clean, sealable container
- Remember we are a nut free school.
- Make sure that cheesecakes and any cakes or desserts containing cream or butter icing are out of the fridge for the shortest time possible.
- Avoid handling cakes. Use tongs or a cake slice instead.
- If for a Fair, then hand to us either on Friday or Saturday morning of the fair. If for a cake sale then please bring along on the morning of the cake sale.
- If you’d like your container returned please label with your child’s name and class.
Many thanks